
Strategic Cultural Plan The Strategic Cultural Plan is a 2023 - 2026 Council strategic priority to provide a framework and roadmap to support arts and culture in Courtenay over the next ten years. The Strategic Cultural Plan will seek to ensure that arts and culture is integrated into the community and representative of all residents. Extensive community engagement took place in 2023 and the draft plan will be posted for public review in the fall 2024. Check the project website this fall to review the draft plan and provide feedback at: courtenay.ca/CulturePlan COURTENAY CULTURE

Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Implementation Courtenay’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP), was adopted in 2019. An Implementation Strategy was outlined as the next step in the process for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The work on this strategy was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic but it remained a priority for the City to support the implementation of recommendations contained within the PRMP. The Implementation Strategy was approved by Council in October 2023. The Strategy prioritizes and guides the City’s work plan, capital and operation expenditures and strategic initiatives for park and recreation over the next ten years. Check the website for current park planning projects: courtenay.ca/ParksRecPlan

Photo CV Art Gallery

We’re reimagining the future of play in Courtenay The “Let’s Play, Courtenay!” project is creating new playground design standards for City playgrounds and consulted with the community this past spring and early summer. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback! 7KH ȴQDO GUDIW VWDQGDUGV ZLOO EH SUHVHQWHG WR Council in fall 2024 for approval. Learn more at:

Let’s Play, Courtenay!


CITY OF COURTENAY | 250-334-4441 | courtenay.ca/culture


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