Courtenay Recreation Facility Rentals
Florence Filberg Centre This multi-use facility features larger spaces for weddings, conferences, seminars and special events. It is located at 411 Anderton Avenue – downtown Courtenay. Event and Meeting Rooms: • The Conference Hall is 6,000 square feet and can accomodate such functions as weddings, conferences, resource fairs, dances. • The Rotary Hall is 3,000 square feet and is ideal for dances, meetings and events. • The Evergreen Lounge is a large, comfortable meeting space with kitchen access. Features: • Commercial kitchens on both levels
Rotary Hall
• Hourly rates available • Wheelchair accessible
• Ample parking • Air conditioned ȏ $XGLR 9LVXDO HTXLSPHQW :Lȴ DYDLODEOH
Conference Hall
Native Sons Hall
This is the largest free span log building in Cana da. Built in 1928 as Courtenay’s original Recreation Centre, it has hosted numerous weddings, dances, concerts, and community events. The Native Sons +DOO LV ORFDWHG LQ GRZQWRZQ &RXUWHQD\ DW &OLH Avenue. Event and Meeting Rooms: • The Grand Hall is a 4,400 square foot space for weddings, concerts, dances and more. • The lower level has the Lodge Room, Dining Room & Parlour Room. These spaces are suitable for meetings, smaller events and programs. Features:
Lower Level
• Commercial Kitchen • Hourly rates available • Wheelchair accessible • Ample parking
Upper Level
Call the Florence Filberg Centre at 250-338-1000
)ORUHQFH )LOEHUJ &HQWUH 2ɝFH LV RSHQ IRU ERRNLQJV 0RQGD\ WR )ULGD\ DP SP Fax: 250-338-0303 Email: rentals@courtenay.ca Take a Virtual Tour: FRXUWHQD\ FD ȴOEHUJ & courtenay.ca/nativesons
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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