EXCEL Exercise for Cancer to Enhance Living Well (EXCEL) is an exercise research intervention developed by and delivered on behalf of the University of Calgary. This pro JUDP LV GHVLJQHG VSHFLȴFDOO\ IRU individuals undergoing or recov ering from cancer treatment. A pre-requisite for this program must be completed prior to regis tration. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #14833 Tuesdays & Thursdays Instructor: Susan Obieglo #14834 Wednesdays & Fridays October 2 - December 20 1:00 - 2:00 pm ZOOM FREE September 17 - December 3 2:30 - 3:30 pm Lewis Activity Room
DYNAMIC FUSION Join us for a one-hour registered version of Susan’s lunch hour class, Dynamic Fusion. This in WHJUDWLYH ȴWQHVV FODVV FRPELQHV weightlifting, Pilates, and yoga WR HQKDQFH RYHUDOO ȴWQHVV 7KH unique blend boosts strength, balance, mobility, core stability, DQG ȵH[LELOLW\ RHULQJ D FRPSUH hensive workout for all levels. Instructor: Susan Obieglo #14520 Tuesdays October 15 - December 17
+PLAY: TOTAL CIRCUIT Experience a dynamic circuit WUDLQLQJ FODVV GHVLJQHG VSHFLȴ cally for caregivers who want to stay active while keeping their little ones close. This innovative program allows you to get a comprehensive workout with out needing separate childcare, VHDPOHVVO\ EOHQGLQJ ȴWQHVV ZLWK caregiving. No classes Septem ber 30, October 14 and No vember 11. Instructor: Susan Obieglo Mondays #14829 September 16 - October 28 #14830 November 4 - December 9 1:15 - 2:15 pm Lewis Activity Room $84/5 +PLAY: HARMONY HATHA YOGA Experience a fun Hatha style 5:45 - 6:45 pm Lewis MP Hall $120/10 Please check receipts for important program information. +PLAY :HOFRPH WR 3/$< D XQLTXH ȴWQHVV FODVV WDLORUHG IRU FDUHJLYHUV ZKR ZDQW WR VWD\ DFWLYH ZLWKRXW KDYLQJ WR ȴQG VHSDUDWH FKLOGFDUH Our program is designed to accommodate both you and your little ones, ensuring you can tend to their needs while getting a great workout. Join us for the following classes: • +PLAY: Total Circuit • +PLAY: Harmony Hatha Yoga 1:15 - 2:15 pm Lewis MP Hall $99/6 What to expect: A child-friendly environment where kids play near by and \RX FDQ IRFXV RQ \RXU ȴWQHVV Because your well-being is just as important as theirs. Please bring any snacks and toys your child may need during the class. REGISTER ONLINE: FALL REGISTRATION STARTS MONDAY AUGUST 12 | See page 53 49
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