
55+ TRX & MORE This is a TRX hybrid class, mixing body weight exercise and resis WDQFH WUDLQLQJ $ KLJKO\ H΍HFWLYH workout across a wide range of exercises and intensities. Improves strength, endurance, EDODQFH FRRUGLQDWLRQ ȵH[LELOLW\


power, and core stability. Instructor: Kim Hamilton #14530 Fridays

September 13 - October 11 1:15 - 2:15 pm Lewis Activity Room $65/5

55+ YOGA - GENTLE A slow moving and calming practice with stretching and easy strengthening. Suitable for those that are slow in getting up DQG GRZQ IURP WKH ȵRRU KDYH limited mobility or are looking for a mellow practice. No class September 30, October 14 & November 11. Instructor: Sheron Jutila #14501 Mondays September 9 - December 16 2:00 - 3:15 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $162/12 55+ YOGA - JOINT SERIES This sequence of gentle postures focuses on increasing mobility of all joints and improving breath awareness. Each pose is highly adaptable, and we move slowly enough to explore variations for everybody. The joint freeing series includes poses that are on hands and knees, seated and standing. No class October 17. Instructor: Sheron Jutila #14502 Thursdays September 5 - December 19 10:15 - 11:45 am Native Sons Grand Hall $225/15

55+ CHAIR FITNESS This fun, lower impact, chair based class can be done both in or out of the chair! You’ll be guided carefully through exercis es focusing on balance, mobility, range of motion, coordination, ȵH[LELOLW\ PXVFOH VWUHQJWK DQG relaxation. The instructor will R΍HU PRGLȴFDWLRQV DV QHHGHG DV well as, provide support to par ticipants at every turn. All levels welcome! 55+ Programs

55+ TRX & RESISTANCE TRAINING Suspension training is perfect for the older adult allowing user to modify body position, base of support and stability to progress or regress an exercise. Move ments on the TRX can stay simple and static or be more dynamic, depending on your own level of comfort. No class September 30. Instructor: Kim Hamilton #14500 Mondays & Wednesdays September 9 - October 9 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis Activity Room $117/9

Instructor: Nancy Victoria #14536 Tuesdays & Fridays

September 10 - December 20 9:00 - 10:00 am Filberg Rotary Hall $6.75/drop-in

55+ YOGA: ONGOING $ EOHQG RI VW\OHV EDVHG LQ +DWKD \RJD ZLWK D PL[WXUH RI ȵRRU DQG standing work. Options for increasing challenge and deepening awareness. A mixed level class with a thorough warm-up and poses WR LPSURYH ȵH[LELOLW\ EDODQFH VWUHQJWK DQG SRVWXUH 3UHYLRXV +DWKD yoga or similar experience required. No class December 6. Instructor: Sheron Jutila #14503 Fridays September 6 - December 20 10:00 - 11:30 am Native Sons Grand Hall $225/15

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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