
PARENTS PROSPER & CONNECT Join us weekly with your babies or tots for a rejuvenating fresh air experience. Start with a ground ing breath or guided meditation, learn a tool to boost energy, productivity, or connection, and enjoy a walk together to chat and socialize. Children must be in carrier or stroller. Instructor: Linda Bartholme #14787 Thursdays September 19 - November 7 10:00 - 11:30 am Lewis Outdoor Stage $120/8 END PARENT EXHAUSTION NOW Dive into transformative prac tices in our FREE workshop to boost energy, productivity, and connection! From identity creation to targeted thinking and habit formation, join to unleash your best self and thrive as parents! Instructor: Linda Bartholme #14788 Thursday September 19 7:00 - 9:00 pm Soroptomist Lounge FREE END PARENT EXHAUSTION NOW SERIES For more guidance, accountabili ty & real results dive deeper into transformative practices in our 4-week follow-up series, building upon the content presented in our FREE workshop. From iden tity creation to targeted thinking and habit formation, join us to make lasting change for you and your family! Instructor: Linda Bartholme #14789 Thursdays September 26 - October 17 8:00 - 9:00 pm Filberg Soroptomist Lounge $55/4


Special Interest

WRITER’S WORKSHOP 'LVFRYHU \RXU YRLFH DQG UHȴQH your craft. Designed for adults, WKLV LQWHUDFWLYH FRXUVH R΍HUV a supportive environment to brainstorm, draft and revise your work. Through guided peer feed back, expert instruction and prac tical exercises, you’ll transform your ideas into polished pieces, ready to share with the world. Instructor: Leah Rempel #14709 Wednesdays September 25 - November 13 7:00 - 8:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $75/8

BEGINNER KNITTING (16 years & over) Welcome to knitting! Whether you are an absolute beginner or have knit in the past, this class is for you. In this 4-week ses sion, we’ll explore the knit stitch, FDVWLQJ RQ DQG ELQGLQJ R΍ ȴ[LQJ mistakes, and more, while you PDNH D SDLU RU WZR RI ȴQJHUOHVV mitts. Material kits available for purchase from instructor. Instructor: Sarah Thornton Thursdays #14635 October 3 - 24 6:30 - 8:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $149/4

AROMATHERAPY & YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Join Deanna for an informative aromatherapy class to learn about essential oils and how to assist in boosting your immune system. We will look at plant chemistry and how that interacts with our body systems and create a personal inhaler. Instructor: Deanna Papineau #14731 Tuesday October 8 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $49 Please check receipts for important program information.

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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