
Creative Pursuits



POTTERY PURSUITS (12 - 15 years) ([SORUH ERWK KDQG EXLOGLQJ DQG wheel throwing through guided SURMHFWV GHPRQVWUDWLRQV DQG VHOI H[SORUDWLRQ &UHDWH PXJV bowls and decorative sculptures using your own style. #14382 Thursdays September 12 - October 24 4:00 - 5:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $159/7 Let’s learn some tasty recipes for the holiday season. We’ll be hands on testing out sweet and savory recipes sure to satiate your friends and loved ones. Mondays #14816 November 18 - December 16 5:30 - 7:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $99/5 Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec HOLIDAY BAKING (12 - 16 years)

MIXED MEDIA CRAFT NIGHTS (12 - 16 years) *HW UHDG\ WR H[SORUH \RXU FUH DWLYH VLGH (DFK ZHHN \RXȇOO OHDUQ DERXW D GL΍HUHQW PHGLXP DFU\O LF DQG ZDWHUFRORXU SDLQW FROODJ LQJ FKDUFRDO FKDON DQG PRUH 7KHQ SUDFWLFH \RXU QHZ VNLOOV as you create cool projects. No class November 11 . Mondays #14823 October 21 - November 18 5:30 - 7:00 pm LINC Games Room $59/4

Get into the holiday season by creating age-appropriate Christ mas and winter-themed projects out of clay! Students will learn KRZ WR PDNH IXQ DQG IXQFWLRQDO items such as snowman lumi QDULHV SODWHV IRU KROLGD\ WUHDWV ornaments and more! Thursdays #14773 November 7 - December 12 4:00 - 5:30 pm Lewis Craft Room B $135/6

UPCYCLED ART (12 - 16 years)

Learn to design new and unique art and décor pieces using recycled or re-purposed materials. This hands-on class will not only teach you SUDFWLFDO FUDIWLQJ VNLOOV EXW DOVR UDLVH DZDUHQHVV DERXW WKH LPSRU WDQFH RI VXVWDLQDELOLW\ DQG UHGXFLQJ ZDVWH /HWȇV H[SORUH WKH SRWHQ WLDO RI DQ LWHP EHIRUH LWV GLVFDUGHG /DQWHUQ MDUV W VKLUW WRWH EDJV PDJD]LQH ERZOV PL[HG PHGLD VFXOSWXUH DQG FROODJH ZLOO KDYH \RX H[SORULQJ \RXU FUHDWLYH VLGH DQG WXUQLQJ WUDVK LQWR WUHDVXUH Saturdays #14824 November 9 - 30 10:00 am - 12:00 pm LINC Multipurpose Room $59/4 Oh no, you had to cancel the class?

Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.

(9 - 19 years) Be a part of Courtenay’s biggest Christmas Party and make extra cash this Christmas while showcasing your talents. Painting, photography, jewelry, art-cards, crafts, baking and more are all welcome in the 16th annual ‘just-for-youth’ craft fair! #14431 Saturday December 7 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Filberg Conference Hall $10 16th Annual Gnarly Little Christmas Craft Fair

courtenay.ca/easter courtenay.ca/gnarly



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