
KITCHEN BASICS: SCIENCE EDITION (9 - 12 years) %XLOG \RXU FRQȴGHQFH LQ WKH kitchen as you practice knife skills, learn to follow recipes, and how ingredients interact to create delicious dishes. Now with a sci HQWLȴF WZLVW


Special Interest

BAKERS READY (7 - 10 years)

CRAFTY KITCHEN (6 - 8 years)

Bakers get ready! This hands-on crash course in baking will give you the skills you need to create GHOLFLRXV GHVVHUWV DQG ȵDYRUIXO IRRGV ZLWK FRQȴGHQFH &KDO lenge your new knowledge with D ȴQDOH UHFLSH ZKHUH \RXȇOO QHHG to have a keen eye to avoid ingredients that could sabotage your dish. #14379 Thursdays October 17 - November 14 4:00 - 6:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $135/5 COMIC KIDS (8 - 11 years) Do you love the action of a good comic book? Have you ever thought about making your own comic strip? Learn about story boards, character development and other story creation tricks during this hands on, creative class! #14375 Wednesdays September 11 - October 9 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $75/5

Tantalize your taste buds and satisfy your imagination as you create savory dishes and imag inative crafts. At the end of the course you will bring home a book of tasty recipes and cre ative craft creations. #14377 Thursdays September 12 - October 10 3:30 - 5:00 pm Lewis Craft Room A $99/5 *HW \RXU FUHDWLYH MXLFHV ȵRZLQJ learning the basics of sewing. Learn how to use the sewing machine as you create a pillow case and if time, pj pants/shorts. Some fabric may be available for student use, but if you desire special fabric, a supply list will be provided. Wednesdays #14799 October 16 - November 13 3:15 - 5:15 pm Lewis Craft Room A $99/5 SEWING LEVEL 1 (8 - 12 years)

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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