2023 Courtenay Annual Report

Message from the Mayor

I am honoured to introduce the City of Courtenay’s 2023 Annual Report from the unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land. Gila'kasla. This was an incredibly busy and productive year as our newly-elected Council identified how we intended to fulfill the vision and goals outlined in numerous community planning documents adopted over the previous four-year term, including plans for transportation networks, parks and recreation, infrastructure, and of course the Official Community Plan adopted in 2022. This comprehensive community planning is having tangible results. It is one of the primary ways the City identifies the need for specific short, medium and long-term projects. It also helps the City secure grant funding for projects like the Dingwall Steps connecting Dingwall Road to Carmanah Drive. Construction on this project began in the summer, and was ongoing for the rest of the year and into early 2024. This year, the City secured $775,000 in provincial funding for a new multi-use path along Lake Trail Road and cycling upgrades on upper 5th Street, and federal and provincial funding totaling $3.5 million for the 6th Street Active Transportation Bridge. Support from federal and provincial partners isn’t just about securing grants, although we are incredibly grateful for the funding the City has received. We have been strongly advocating for support for some of the biggest challenges faced by our community including housing, substance use, flood mitigation and transportation. I was pleased to have met with the Federal Minister of Housing and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions at the National Housing Conference this spring to discuss ways the federal government could better support communities like ours. We also continue to advocate for affordable and supportive housing with the Provincial Minister of Housing, including at the recent UBCM Housing Summit. Closer to home, I am proud of our close working relationship with local organizations such as the Downtown Courtenay BIA, Chamber of Commerce, and countless others. Our ongoing partnerships and collaborations are excellent ways to identify how the City can support the important work of these hard-working, dedicated groups. We also continue to work closely with other Comox Valley regional governments at K’ómoks First Nation, Comox Valley Regional District, Town of Comox and Village of Cumberland. Sharing information and working together on areas of mutual interest and concern is great for our organizations and our community as a whole.

On behalf of Courtenay Council, thank you for reviewing this report and learning more about some of the many projects and initiatives delivered by the City in 2023 for this amazing community. To discuss any municipal matters, members of the public can set up a meeting with me, email info@courtenay.ca Mayor Bob Wells


City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report

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