2023 Courtenay Annual Report

Arts, Culture and Heritage

Arts, Culture and Heritage Culture is the representation of who we are. It speaks to our values from the past and present, our traditions, and our expressions. Arts, culture, and heritage help re-frame and engage on important social topics such as climate change, reconciliation and equity, and provide for creative and safe opportunities to explore our complex and changing world.

Strategic Priorities 2023 - 2026



The City is developing a Strategic Cultural Plan, informed by community priorities, to guide the implementation of cultural services and infrastructure in the short, medium and long term. This plan will identify gaps and opportunities in cultural services, inform City processes, and support investment that will enhance cultural services and assets. The CIty is developing an implementation plan for the Strategic Cultural Plan to guide the delivery of cultural services and infrastructure over the next ten years. The plan will outline specific targets to address key gaps, opportunities, and areas for investment to enhance the City's cultural services and assets in alignment with community preferences for the next 10 years and beyond.

Complete Strategic Cultural Plan

In Progress

Implement Strategic Cultural Plan



City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report

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