2023 Courtenay Annual Report

Canada Community-Building Funding The Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) is a permanent source of funding for municipalities to support local infrastructure priorities. Formerly known as Gas Tax, the fund was renamed in June 2021 to better reflect the program's objectives. Municipalities select how best to direct the funds across eligible project categories. The following is a summary of CCBF funding in Courtenay for 2019-2022.

2023 Project Description

2023 Total Federal Grant: $1,148,636

Cycling Network Plan Improvements


Pedestrian, Cycling and Pavement Renewal Program


2022 Project Description

2022 Total Federal Grant: $2,227,566

Cycling Network Plan Improvements

119,066 128,500

6th Street Bridge Multi-Use Active Transportation Bridge Pedestrian, Cycling, and Pavement Renewal Program Storm Drainage - 200 Back Road Storm Inlet Improvement



5th Street Bridge


2021 Project Description

2021 Total Federal Grant: $1,822,002

Integrated Rainwater Master Plan Cycling Network Plan Improvements


149,907 171,491 332,212 118,392

6th Street Bridge Multi-Use Active Transportation Bridge Pedestrian, Cycling, and Pavement Renewal Program Storm Drainage - 200 Back Road Storm Inlet Improvement

Sewer - Greenwood Trunk Construction


2020 Project Description

2020 Total Federal Grant: $1,392,812

Asset management Storm & Sewer Assessments

248,095 42,041 100,976

Integrated Rainwater Master Plan Cycling Network Plan Improvements Road Paving - Grind and Pave Program


Storm Drainage - 200 Back Road Storm Inlet Improvement


2019 Project Description

2019 Total Federal Grant: $1,454,924

Road Paving - Grind and Pave Program

927,304 23,620 141,368 147,753 73,406 17,735 105,238 18,500

Storm Drainage - 200 Back Road Storm Inlet Improvement Storm Drainage - Glacier View Plaza Drainage Improvements

Asset Management Assessments

Transportation Master Plan

Dike Replacement and Flood Prevention Strategy

Integrated Rainwater Master Plan

Land Disposition and Acquisition Strategy

City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report


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