2023 Courtenay Annual Report

Modernizing Development Processes and Standards A number of land use development bylaws were adopted in 2023 to meet OCP policy objectives including streamlining development application processes. The Building Bylaw has been updated to enshrine the OCP policy that energy standards for buildings are one step higher than the Provincial Energy Step Code requirements. This will ensure new buildings in Courtenay are increasingly more energy efficient over time. The City will explore options to reduce new building GHG emissions in 2025. The Development Application Procedures Bylaw created a new classification for minor development variance permits that can be delegated to the Director of Development

Buildings and Landscape

Services, thus reducing application processing time related to neighbourhood notification and Council meeting schedules. The bylaw also provides clarity on when public hearings are not required, such as when the proposal is consistent with the land use designation in the OCP. More options for public notification have also been adopted such as the use of social media and websites instead of notification only by the printed community newspaper. In addition, the Fees and Charges Bylaw has been updated to reflect the application process and administration costs to the city including inflation.

Construction Value Commercial construction value decreased slightly in 2023 after an all time high in 2022, while residential units have consistently increased over the past 5 years.






Residential construction

$88,144,885 $84,892,320 $126,702,940 $146,720,522 $ 190,526,817

Congregate care construction






Commercial construction


$11,040,650 $26,499,091 $23,988,325


Industrial construction






Institutional construction



$1,644,000 $1,807,720


Total value of construction

$95,201,402 $158,462,209 $155,346,032 $172,528,567 $213,702,951



City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report

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