2023 Courtenay Annual Report

Buildings and Landscape

Buildings and Landscape

As existing buildings are renovated or redeveloped, and new buildings meet efficiency and performance standards, Courtenay’s buildings will become increasingly accessible, electric, healthy, and affordable to operate, while reflecting Courtenay’s character, identity, and sense of place.

Strategic Priorities 2023 - 2026



Updates and additions to the Subdivision Bylaw will include offsite frontage improvements and potential amendments to street standards to incorporate bioswales. These updates are necessary to ensure compliance with new legislative requirements. The City is updating master plans to inform the upcoming Development Cost Charge (DCC) update, as outlined in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's Best Practices Guide. This update will also expand DCCs to incorporate fire and recreation infrastructure under new provincial regulations, ensuring that growth projections and project equivalencies are accurately reflected in DCC rates for future development projects. The Short Term Rental policy will reflect the latest provincial legislation, and aims to address housing concerns and establish necessary regulations. This project will balance the needs of the community while ensuring compliance with legal standards surrounding short term rentals. The Zoning Bylaw update will review maximum building heights and align with provincial regulations, including Bills 44 and 47. By June 30, 2024, the City will implement changes to allow increased density and transit-oriented development,along with necessary housekeeping amendments. Updates to land use regulations and bylaws will align with the Official Community Plan (OCP) taking advantage of streamlined provincial legislation to facilitate the process.

Update Subdivision Bylaw, including offsite frontage improvements

In Progress

Update Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaw

In Progress

Develop a short-term rental policy

In Progress

Update Zoning Bylaw - review maximum building heights

In Progress

Review and update land use regulations and bylaws for consistency with OCP

In Progress

Zoning bylaw updates must meet key dates set by the Province.


City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report

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