2023 Courtenay Annual Report

Streets and Transportation Prioritizing walking, wheeling, cycling, and transit modes of transportation – and integrating them with land use and urban form – are the greatest steps Courtenay can take to supporting mobility in the community and reducing the amount of energy used in the transportation system, the greatest source of Courtenay’s GHG emissions.

Streets and Transportation

Strategic Priorities 2023 - 2026



Develop traffic calming plans, related policies, and specific implementation when and where, speed limits, school zones, cycling education/awareness.

Work is underway on traffic calming plans and policies. Updates will be incorporated into the transportation plan and a revised Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. Updates focus on integrating alternative road designs into the existing road hierarchy. This project aims to improve cycling infrastructure and routes throughout the city. The City is actively engaging with the Ministry of Transportation to advance these necessary upgrades for the Highway19A bypass to improve traffic flow and ease congestion. Following a downtown parking review, the City will consider options including parking time limits and restrictions, ways to support bylaw compliance, and evaluating fines for infractions. This policy addresses activities that can harm the environment and public health, while promoting accountability and compliance. Council adopted the policy in late 2023, signaling a commitment to fairness, education, and community involvement in bylaw compliance. The Dingwall Steps in East Courtenay enhance connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists and improve access to key destinations such as the college, schools, hospital, transit and commercial areas. This project was completed in early 2024. As noted in several master plans, this active transportation bridge will connect downtown and Simms Park and link to current and future pedestrian and cycling networks. Detailed design is complete, with $3.5 million in federal and provincial funding secured.

In Progress

Update Cycling Network Plan and implementation strategy


Advocate for work with Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MOTI) on bypass and 17th intersection congestion & improvements

In Progress

Parking restrictions and ticketing


Bylaw Enforcement Policy review and update


Dingwall stairs construction: pedestrian and cycling network improvement

Completed early 2024

6th Street Bridge design and funding



City of Courtenay | 2023 Annual Report

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