12 Welcome

CHILDMINDING Our excellent childminding service offers a safe, friendly and fun environment for your child while you attend our programs or use the Wellness Centre. Monday - Thursday 8:45 - 10:30 am

Friday 10:15 - 11:45 am Saturday 8:45 - 10:30 am April 2 - June 28 $3/1.75 hrs

PARENT & PRESCHOOLER: FIRST TASTE (2 - 5 years) means childminding available during this program

Cooking & Crafts KOOKY COOKING (3 - 5 years) MINI CHEFS (3 - 5 years)

This class will introduce you and your child to the experience of cooking together at an early age. It will promote a sense of independence and help them to develop greater fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and encourage healthy eating. It’s a great bonding experience for a caregiver and child and may become their favourite weekly activity together! #13035 Fridays Plan Ahead Spring & Summer programs are now featured in one guide, giving you early access for planning summer activities! Spring registration starts March 11. Summer registration starts April 15 . Look for OR ANGE activity codes for sum mer registration. Check out the inside front page for more de tails on this change. See pages 64 - 66 for Early Years summer mini camps. April 26 - May 17 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Craft Room A $49/4

Throw on your apron and get ready to mix, roll and pat your way to some tasty treats. Par ticipants will leave with a recipe book to keep the cooking and baking going through the sea sons. #13302 Thursdays May 16 - June 6 9:30 - 11:00 am Lewis Craft Room B $49/4 CREATIVE CRITTERS (3 - 5 years) Let’s get ready to doodle, draw and dive into your creativity as we learn about different art ma terials! This class is perfect for budding artists to come and ex plore different art materials and creative prompts. Pencils, pens, pastels and paint - this class is perfection. This class will take place both inside and outside. #13646 Mondays May 27 - June 24

MESSY MASTERPIECES (3 - 5 years) Let’s get messy and create your very own masterpieces! We’ll get our hands dirty using paints, shaving cream, glue and so much more! Be sure to wear your comfiest play clothes. #13304 Wednesdays April 10 - May 8 Create silly and delicious snacks every week while learning kitch en safety and cooking basics. Our secret ingredient is FUN! #13303 Fridays April 12 - May 10 1:00 - 2:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $59/5


10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $59/5

Please check receipts for important program information.

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Craft Room B $59/5

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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