12 Welcome

ATHLETIC BARRE Athletic Barre has no ballet or yoga moves. The barre is used for balance and posture as in the “Above Barre” classes. However, it incorporates heavier weights, tubing and that little green bender ball to ensure you are activating your core prop erly. Some power moves are incorporated but options for non-power moves will also be provided. This is an intermediate to challenging class that optimiz es your strength. No class May 20. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #14209 Mondays April 8 - June 24 5:30 - 6:30 pm Lewis Craft Room A $6.75/drop-in

WOMEN’S STRICTLY STRENGTH This women’s only strength class provides a comfortable envi ronment for women of all ages to focus on building strength through resistance training and the use of a variety of equip ment. No cardio is involved, but you will work towards develop ing lean muscle mass, improving bone strength, increasing flexi bility and feeling stronger both physical and mentally. Instructor: Leah Partridge Fridays #13320 April 5 - June 28 $159/13 #13595 July 5 - August 30 $110/9 10:30 - 11:30 am Lewis Activity Room

55+ CHAIR FITNESS (55 years & over) This fun, lower impact, chair based class can be done both in or out of the chair! You’ll be guided carefully through exercis es focusing on balance, mobility, range of motion, coordination, flexibility, muscle strength and relaxation. The instructor will offer modifications as needed, as well as, provide support to participants at every turn. All levels welcome! Instructor: Nancy Victoria Tuesdays #13204 April 2 - June 25 $156/13 #13574 July 2 - August 27 $108/9 Fridays #13203 April 5 - June 28 $156/13 #13573 July 5 - August 30 $108/9 9:00 - 10:00 am Filberg Rotary Hall STRENGTH, STRETCH & CORE This popular class checks off all the boxes! Your workout begins with a moderate level warm up followed by exercises that focus on strengthening, toning and stretching key muscles. A long, relaxing stretch completes the class. No class May 20, August 5 & July 1. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #14096 Mondays April 8 - August 26 9:00 - 10:00 am Filberg Conference Hall $14187 Thursdays April 4 - August 29 8:45 - 9:45 am Native Sons Grand Hall $6.75/drop-in


OUTDOOR FITNESS PARK ADVENTURES Come check out the new outdoor fitness park across from the Filberg! Every second week through spring Nancy will be running a dynamic and engaging fitness program outside. Come on down and learn about the fitness park, mingle with friends, and stay healthy in the fresh air. Instructor: Nancy Victoria #13796 Every other Thursday April 4 - June 27 1:00 - 2:00 pm every second week of each month Riverside Fit Park $90/9 Classes held on: • April 4 • April 18 • April 25 • May 2 • May 16 • May 30 • June 6 • June 20 • June 27


See page 93


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