12 Welcome
BEGINNERS BLUES GUITAR Get happy while strumming the Blues! This course will focus on 12 bar blues songs and cover strumming patterns, turn arounds, blues scales and simple blues licks. Instructor: Larry Ayre #13354 Tuesdays April 23 - May 28 6:00 - 7:00 pm Lewis Meeting Room $89/6 to some high energy music! Great for EVERY body and you can dial it up or down as you need. Fabulous for stress re lease but the focus is really on fitness fun! Instructor: Laura Forgie #13635 Wednesdays April 10 - June 19 6:00 - 7:00 pm Native Sons Hall $99/11 Come get your groove on as we beat on fitness balls and move Drums Alive is the most fun you will ever have drumming and moving to the beat! No Experi ence necessary - you can work at your own pace! This class suits any-body who is looking for a fun, morning get-fit routine, whether you want a slower pace, are recovering from injury or really want to power out. Join Monica and see how Drums Alive will make you smile, inside and out! No class May 20. Instructor: Monica Hofer #13342 Mondays April 8 - June 17 12:15 - 1:15 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $89/10 DRUMS ALIVE POWER BEATS
Music THE BLUES JAM CLASS Led by local blue’s musician, Lar ry Ayre, come jam with us. From classic riffs to improvisation, discover your own unique style in a supportive and dynamic environment. Whether you have experience with the harmonica, guitar, bass or other instruments come immerse yourself in the soulful rhythms and vibrant mel odies of blues music in a social setting. #14079 Tuesdays April 23 - May 28 7:15 - 8:30 pm Lewis Meeting Room $89/6
BEYOND BEGINNERS AFRICAN DRUMMING Looking for a place to enhance your drumming skills? Do you have a few beginners sessions under your belt but you’re not quite ready to jump to the intermediate level? This is the class for you! In this class we will continue to improve on tech nique while learning new & ex citing West African rhythms - all while having fun getting into the groove. Please contact instructor if unsure of level. Participants must provide their own djembe. Instructor: Monica Hofer #13340 Fridays April 5 - June 21 1:30 - 2:30 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $175/12
Join our local hand drumming instructor and drum circle facilitator and get into your weekly groove. New rhythms taught every week; opportunities to work on djembe and bass drums. Great for the mind, body and spirit! This class is intended for those with previous experience. Instructor: Monica Hofer #13341 Fridays
Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline For updates & schedule changes, go to www.courtenay.ca/rec
April 5 - June 28 12:00 - 1:00 pm Native Sons Grand Hall $189/13
COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec
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