12 Welcome

Who is Physical Literacy for? Everyone! The ideal ages for the development of basic funda mental movement skills is 0 - 12 years, however you are never too old to develop basic move ment skills. Being physically literate, you have the skills and confidence needed to be phys ically active. Whether your goal is to engage in regular physical activity, join a sports team or league or develop habits to be physically active for life. Physical Literacy at Courtenay Recreation

Dance & Movement

THE DANCE SAMPLER (8 - 13 years) Try out Lyrical, Jazz and Acro in this fun 5-week class which will introduce you to these three styles of dance. Classes include a cardio-based warm-up, tech nique and combos that are sure to light you up and excite both mind and body. Instructor: Leigha Wald #13247 Sundays April 21 - May 19

ACRO BASICS (8 - 11 years)

Join us for a fun class geared to increase strength and flexibility as well as overall confidence in all inversions and Acro tricks. From teddy bear stands to head stands and cartwheels, we will cover all of the progressions to build the foundational elements needed to take things to the next level! Instructor: Leigha Wald #12569 Saturdays


11:00 am - 12:00 pm Lewis Activity Room $75/5

April 13 - May 11 12:45 - 1:45 pm Lewis Centre Gym $75/5

Examples of skills developed through Physical Literacy: BODY CONTROL agility, balance, coordination, speed, rhythm & more LOCOMOTOR running, jumping, swimming, wheeling, skating & more OBJECT CONTROL sending, receiving, dribbling, striking, kicking & more Physical skill + Confidence + Motivation + Lots of Opportunities = Physical Literacy


Plan your summer! See page 62 - 63 for our summer camps at a glance!

COURTENAY RECREATION | 250-338-5371 | 250-338-1000 | courtenay.ca/rec


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